
Don Hebert (Dojo Cho)

Don began his Aikido studies in 1978 at the New Haven Aikikai in New Haven, Connecticut. His early teachers were Bob Barrett, Donald Hailey, Terry Dobson, Ken Nisson and Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. Captivated early on by the depth and beauty of Aikido movement, Don’s interest continues to be to explore the many ways that Aikido practice can be personally transformative, in both the physical and inner realms. Integral to his practice is his fundamental belief that he is on the path as a student of Aikido. To this end he often travels to seminars and other opportunities to further his growth and hopefully set an example for his own students. Don has been awarded the rank of Yondan by Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan then with the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba.

Don has lived and worked in the Keene-Brattleboro area since 1983. In 2001 he renovated a hundred year-old church in Brattleboro, Vermont to be his home and the location for the River Valley Aikido club. He has one daughter whose passion is dance.